Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 2011

She left the goggles on for about 15 minutes!
We were all laughing pretty hard

This girl loves to eat (as you can tell by her size) and loves eating things on her own even more! Strawberries were a hit with her.

Will with his superhero on
(he ties his blanket around his neck to be a super hero)
Lately he has been going to sleep with his arms up under his head, which I think it adorable and need to take a picture of.
It just makes all the frustrating times of being a mom go away when Will says "Mama I need a kiss" or just a random hug and kiss and
"I love you"

Oh those rolls are the best!

Daddy and Will-
can't wait until Daddy gets home to play basketball hoop.
This month Will went to the dentist for the first time and did great! I'm sure others had heard of this but it was a first for me- to get him to floss you just have to find the sugar bugs in there and get them! Brilliant. So now we find sugar bugs at night.
Will still can't stand having his hands get sticky. It is crazy how different Will and Grace are. Will never put things in his mouth and if he did get something in there he would freak out and stick his tongue out until I got whatever it was off. Now Grace, well she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth.

her bottom teeth are darling, but the top are a little vampireish! The two side teeth are coming instead of the front middle.

Can't get enough bath time pictures

Does this outfit make me look chubby?

I think she might be storing something in her cheeks for winter

She might come squish you

Practicing standing, the blocks are the perfect height for her

She always goes up on her tippy toes


Serious rolls

Happy Easter! Will loves to jump on the tramp at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Denney Grandkids. Grandma make the girls dresses and boys bow ties (Will got his new outfit and the bow tie didn't match)

Grandma with all her grandbabies. Sam's face is the best here!

Finding all the easter eggs.

Grace was loving it.

Our cute kids

She's going to be walking soon. Standing up all the time

Brian and Will went to the motor cross on a cold night and had a blast!
Will asked to go see the motorcycles for weeks after

1 comment:

Heather Buttars said...

Such cute kiddos! We need to get together soon!