Monday, August 16, 2010

We went to the hospital

So yesterday, Sunday August 15th we went to the hospital.

But for this.

Not that.

3 stitches. Hit that chair just right and split his eye brow. The worst part was having to be held down while they put the stitches in. I was hoping he would last until he was at least 3 years old for stitches but thankfully it was only 3. Unlike his dad who had 22 at that age.


The Hausmann House said...

Hey there pal! I am glad to see that you are hanging in there. I can't wait to see this new little one!

Miss you

Nielson said...

Poor guy! I'm sure you'll be making another trip up there pretty soon, though :)

Jessica Steed said...

Oh no! Poor Will.

They had to hold him down?

I have to say that almost every little boy I know has a scar on their eyebrow. Jaxon has one, Finn will soon, and Asher's is right down the middle of his forehead unfortunately.

Clara, isn't is the worst to leave the hospital when you're big and pregnant?
I had a friend due a few days before me. When I went to visit her after she had her baby I left the hospital (9 mth pregnant) and got some of the strangest looks, '"ren't you supposed to be going in and not out?"

JillC said...

Kristin was the same age when she whacked her chin, we had just moved to Michigan and didn't even have a dr!
You look great Clara - best of luck with the delivery.