Sunday, November 1, 2009


Happy Halloween!
The Starkey family went as Gryffindor members.
Can you guess who was who?

Harry getting a bath
(we had to pin him down to get the 'glasses' on him! but well worth the screams)

Will is ready for carving his pumpkin!

Paul and Gloria grew these awesome pumpkins in their garden and shared with us then joined the fun of carving!

Being the creative person he is, Brian came up with this carving.
If you know what building this is, you are as much of a geek as he is!

(but I actually knew what architect designed this building)


Chelle said...

So cute! Thanks for putting up pictures! I have no idea what Brian's building is...

Jessica Steed said...

I am so impressed! The costumes and the pumpkins, and I just saw your cute family photo at the beach. That's amazing.

It looks like you guys had a great time.
I loved seeing you in Utah, hopefully we'll get a chance to come up in the next few months.

Take care,

Cam said...

I can't decide if my favorite part is the Harry Potter glasses drawn on Will or Brian's dyed hair or how much you resemble cute Hermine or that your whole family is so stinkin' cute! I love it.

The Buttars said...

Cute Halloween pictures! I love little Will as Harry Potter.